






Streets:    Frizby (Andrew Thursby-Pelham) sang and arranged this song for me. He also played the keyboards and guitar tracks. I played drums and sang harmonies. We recorded it in his asbestos garage in Charles St. North Perth on a 4 track fostex. Must’ve been around 1987. It’s amazing we managed to keep a record of those sessions. There weren’t a lot of opportunities for bands to record weird stuff (unless you were Zappa) in those days. What a guitar solo ! ! !


No Music:  Frizby sung and arranged this song I wrote about the Cold War. I played a huge Slingerland kit in those days. Again, on the same 4 track fostex, same shed, same year. Just the pair of us … we had a ball.



Good Ol’ Fashioned Weed: I wanted this song to have an old fashioned flavour about it. Kinda like the days when cannabis was not illegal. Fiona Heath sang beautiful harmonies for me on this song that I wrote for Bob Carr.  I played Hoggy’s Fender Precision on this track I recorded in my lounge room. The moral of the song, don’t refine drugs, also applies to food. In regard to the drug problem in the day of the ‘goanna’, as premier of NSW, Bob said we’re losing the war on drugs and have to ‘think outside the square’. This was trendy to say back then. Although, some might have thought I must have been thinking outside the stellated icosahedron when I came up with this concept. Decriminalizing all drugs that occur in nature in their natural state,  and coming down very heavily on the refined versions and man made drugs. Public floggings could be the order of the day.